Sodium thiocyanate is highly adaptable and can be used throughout the year

Sodium thiocyanate is used in the production of food, medicine and medicine;In cold winter, sodium thiocyanate can shorten the setting time of concrete and improve the early strength as a component of concrete pouring, antifreeze and shotcrete in winter.

Low temperature (between 7 ~ 5 ℃) of concrete processing is a special problem, because the concrete mixture will be frozen, and unable to get the required stability or hardening for a long time, these problems, the usual practice is mixed with calcium chloride, but the concrete corrosive mixed calcium chloride, the hardening speed, compressive strength is 10 c benchmark when concrete is beyond compare.In order to solve this problem in winter concrete construction, through scientific research, found that the sodium thiocyanate with different hardening accelerator of chlorine salt compound make, make concrete has many excellent workability, and then developed the composite with different admixture sodium thiocyanate under cold, warm and hot weather year-round function.

This is the winter use of sodium thiocyanate, sodium thiocyanate is widely used, can bring us more convenience and surprise.

