Ferrous sulfate is reductive

Ferrous sulfate can be reduced from a seven-water synthesis to a four-hydrate at 56.6℃ and a monohydrate at 64.6℃. At 90℃, six crystal water is lost, and at 300℃, all crystal water is lost to form anhydrous substances. In the case of red heat, SO2 and SO3 are decomposed and released.Corrosive.Glows in dry air.The anhydrous substance is a white powder, and when it interacts with water, it turns blue-green

[product use] :

: 1, ferrous sulfate is mainly used as flocculant flocculation effect is good, has the very good decoloring ability, but also has to remove heavy metal ions, to oil, phosphorus removal, sterilization function, especially for decolorization of printing and dyeing wastewater and removal of COD, electroplating waste of ferrite coprecipitation obvious effect, and its price is cheap, a choice of printing and dyeing, electroplating wastewater treatment products.

2. Ferrous sulfate can also be used as food additive, pigment, raw material for electronic industry, hydrogen sulfide deodorant, soil improvement agent, industrial catalyst, etc.

上一篇:The role of ferrous chloride
