Application of potassium ferrocyanide


1. It is mainly used as carburizing agent in the iron and steel industry to improve the surface hardness of steel parts.The printing and dyeing industry is used as an oxidation additive to make the dyeing of fine cotton cloth proceed step by step to maintain the dyeing quality.The pharmaceutical industry, as a coagulant, can achieve an ideal impurity removal process and improve the quality of drugs.

The pigment industry is used as the main raw material for the production of pigment hualan.The chemical industry is used as an iron remover.Food industry as a food additive - salt anti - knot agent. 

2. Potassium ferricyanide can be used with zinc acetate as clarifier: it is formed by zinc acetate [Zn(CH3COO)2·2H2O] reacting with potassium ferricyanide to carry away or absorb interfering substances.This clarifier has a strong ability to remove proteins, but a poor ability to decolorize. It is suitable for the clarification of the sample solution with a lighter color and a higher protein content, such as dairy products and soy products, and can be used for the extraction and clarification of soluble sugars.

3, as an anti-knot agent, China's regulations can be used for salt, the maximum use of 0.005 g/kg(in terms of ferrocyanide root).According to GB 2760-96 of China, it is allowed to be used as an anti-coagulant of table salt.The maximum usage is 0.01g/kg(in terms of ferrocyanide root). 

Add to table salt 0.01g/kg(calculated by ferrocyanide root).When used specifically, aqueous solution with a concentration of 0.25~0.5g/100mL can be prepared and sprayed into 100kg salt.In Europe, potassium ferricyanide is often used as an iron and copper ion remover in wine.

4. Used in Europe to remove iron and copper from certain wines.

