The main application of calcium chloride

Industrial use of calcium chloride

1. Used as a multi-purpose desiccant, such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide and other gases.Alcohols, esters, ethers and acrylic resins are produced as dehydrating agents.Calcium chloride solution is an important refrigerant used in freezers and ice making, which can accelerate the hardening of concrete and increase the cold resistance of building mortar.Used as antifogging agent for port, dust collector for road surface and fire retardant for fabric.Used as a protective agent and refining agent for aluminum and magnesium metallurgy.It is a precipitant for producing lake pigment.Used for deinking waste paper.It is the raw material of calcium salt.

2. Chelating agent;Curing agent;Calcium fortifier;Refrigerant for refrigeration;Desiccant;Anticaking agent.Bacteriostatic agents;Curing agent;Tissue improver.

3. Used as desiccant, road dust collector, antifogging agent, fabric fire retardant, food preservative and calcium salt

4. Used as lubricant additive

5. Used as an analytical reagent

6. It is mainly used for the treatment of tetany, urticaria, exotic edema, intestinal and ureteral colic and magnesium poisoning caused by reduced blood calcium

7, in the food industry as calcium fortifier, curing agent, chelating agent and desiccant.

8, can increase the permeability of the bacterial cell wall.


Granular anhydrous calcium chloride is often used as a desiccant to fill the drying tube. Kelp dried with calcium chloride can be used in the production of soda ash.Some household dehumidifiers, such as DampRid, use calcium chloride to absorb moisture from the air.Calcium chloride can also be used as a desiccant or dehydrating agent for gases and organic liquids.Calcium chloride is neutral, so it can dry acid or alkaline gases and organic liquids, but also in the laboratory to make a small number of gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide when drying these produced gases.However, it cannot be used to dry ethanol and ammonia, because ethanol and ammonia gas will react with calcium chloride to form the alcohol compound CaCl2·4C2H5OH and the ammonia compound CaCl2·8NH3, respectively.Anhydrous calcium chloride can also be made into household products and used as an air hygroscopic agent. Anhydrous calcium chloride as a hygroscopic agent has been approved by the FDA for use in emergency dressings to ensure that the wound remains dry.

The anhydrous calcium chloride is spread on the gravel road surface, and the moisture absorption of anhydrous calcium chloride is used to condense the moisture in the air when the air humidity is lower than the dew point to keep the road surface moist, so as to control the dust on the road.

Deicing agent and cooling bath

Calcium chloride lowers the freezing point of water, and spreading calcium chloride hydrate on the pavement prevents freezing and deicing, but the salt water from melting can damage the soil and vegetation along the road and deteriorate the pavement concrete.

Calcium chloride solution can also be mixed with dry ice to prepare a cryogenic cooling bath.Add the bar-like dry ice into the brine solution in batches until ice is present in the system.Different kinds and concentrations of salt solution can maintain different temperature of cooling bath.Common salt and calcium chloride as raw materials, by adjusting the concentration to obtain the required temperature, not only because the calcium chloride tap cheaply, and because the eutectic temperature of the calcium chloride solution (that is, the solution for the temperature of the formation of granular ice sand son) is quite low, can reach 51.0 ℃, which makes the adjustable temperature ranges from 0 ℃ to - 51 ℃.This method can be realized in dewar bottles which can have the effect of heat preservation, or when the volume of dewar bottles is limited and more salt solution needs to be prepared, the general plastic container can be used to hold the cooling bath. In this case, the temperature is also stable.

上一篇:The use of oxalic acid
