Sodium bisulfate
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Sodium bisulfate monohydrate

No smell.Sodium pyrosulfate is formed at high heat.It is soluble in 0.8 parts water and decomposed into sodium sulfate and free sulfuric acid by alcohol.Its aqueous solution was strongly acidic, pH1.4 of 0.1m solution.

Item no. : 070556

Other name: sodium acid sulfate

Sodium bisulfate

Molecular formula: NaHSO4

Molecular weight: 120

C A S: 7681-38-1

Manufacturer: shantou xilong

Package: AR 500g/ bottle x 20 bottles/piece

Sex: colorless crystal.

To use:

1. Determination of bromine, iodine, copper and titanium dioxide;Mineral analysis.

2, as an acid dye dye aid and mineral decomposition solvents, disinfectants and oil drilling and soil improvement agents.

Sodium bisulfate

Sodium bisulfate

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下一篇:Lanthanum oxide
