Sodium bromide
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Sodium bromide

Absorb water agglomerate but not delixidation, dissolve in water, aqueous solution nearly neutral.Salty or slightly bitter taste.Water from the air agglomerates but does not deliquesce.Slightly volatile at high temperature.

Item no. : 071143

Sodium bromide

Molecular formula: NaBr

Molecular weight: 102.89

C A S: 231-830-3

Manufacturer: shantou xilong

Package: AR 500g/ bottle x 20 bottles/piece

Sex: white crystalline powder.Store under seal.

Usage: analytical reagent, bit by bit determination of cadmium, production of bromide.Used for making photosensitive films.Medically used as a diuretic and sedative, it has the effect of enhancing the inhibition process of cerebral cortex.Used as a brominating agent in synthetic fragrances, pharmaceuticals, and dyes.It is also used as a chemical reagent.

Sodium bromide

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