Ferrous sulfate
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Ferrous sulfate

It Withers in dry air and oxidizes to brown base iron sulfate in moist air.It becomes tetrahydrate at 56.6℃ and monohydrate at 65℃.Soluble in water, almost insoluble in ethanol.Its aqueous solution oxidizes slowly in air when it is cold and quickly when it is hot.The addition of alkali or dew can accelerate its oxidation.

Item no. : 070570

English name: sulfate

Other name: green alum

Molecular weight: 278.02

Chemical formula: FeSO4•7H2O

C A S: 7782-63-0

Containing the amount: 99-101%

Origin: taishan yue overseas Chinese

Package: AR 500g/ bottle x 20 bottles/piece

Sex: blue-green monoclinic crystal or granule, odorless. 

To use:

1. Water treatment: ferrous sulfate is used in the flocculation purification of water and the removal of phosphate from urban and industrial sewage to prevent the eutrophication of water bodies.

2, reducing agent: a large number of ferrous sulfate is used as a reducing agent, mainly reducing the chromate in the cement.

3. Analytical chemistry: ferrous sulfate can be used as a chromatographic reagent.

Ferrous sulfate

Ferrous sulfate

上一篇:Ferrous sulphate factory
