Methyl orange
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Methyl orange

The structural formula is sodium p-dimethylaminoazobenzene sulfonate or 4-((4- (dimethylaminophenyl)) azobenzene sulfonate.

Item no. : 070363

English name: Methyl Orange

Don't weigh: golden lotus orange D

Chemical formula: C ₁ H ₄ ₁ ₄ N ₃ SO ₃ Na

Molecular weight: 327.33

C A S: 547-58-0

Specification: 25g

Packing: 25g/ bottle x 20 bottles/piece

Sex: orange powder or scaly crystals;The range of color change of methyl orange was red at pH ≤ 3.1, orange at 3.1-4.4, and yellow at pH ≥ 4.4.

Usage: methyl orange has been used in the laboratory and in industrial and agricultural production as an acid-base control for chemical reactions and as an acid-base titration for chemical products and intermediates.The disadvantage of the methyl orange indicator is that the yellow-red color is less recognizable and has been replaced by a wide range of indicators (see "phenolphthalein").Methyl orange is also an azo dye used in textiles. 

Methyl orange

Methyl orange

上一篇:Methyl orange indicator
下一篇:P-toluenesulfonic acid
